Fast food

Keep the line moving, fast! With our payment solution you can take more orders in a single minute while keeping your existing hardware.

Track revenue like a pro, seamlessly integrate with you POS.

LVR01811 1-min

Fast Food

Fast payment solution to keep the line going

Don't miss out on revenue because of slow payment, fast charge with a simple payment app

Group 1000002265-min
  • Group 1000002266

    Simple pricing,
    Fast payout

Payment pricing that make sense.

Keep the device you have - just download to your existing POS device

No need to pay for new payment devices

Group 40465 (2)-min

Don’t lose revenue at peak time. Save time and money.

A payment solution that helps you get a line. and then get it shorter, fast

Group 40428-min

We help you switch easily from your current payment provider to Klearly

image (11)-min

Multi location

All the business tools you need within your payment solution Designed to save you time and money

Fast food customers

Seamlessly integrated with your POS system

LVR09636-Edit 1-min

Don't see your POS logo (yet)?

yet2 1-min (1)